Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Unit Study: Week 3
'till Christmas!
Here is our week so far, and the plan for the rest of it:
Sick day.
Story: Wise men followed a star
Bible activity: Acted out being a wise man, seeing the star and then following it.
Symbol: Santa: Watched The Santa Clause movie.
Craft: Cut out a stocking, and "sewed" it together with yarn.
Carol: What Child is This? First verse and chorus.
*Write in Christmas Journal each day.
Story: Wise Men visit Herod.
Activity: Act out the story.
Symbol: History of Santa
Craft: Cut out a star and cover with glitter. (Can use to play follow the "star")
Sing this weeks carol.
Story: Wise Men find Jesus!!
Craft/activity: Draw and cut out a heart. Have Cora draw a picture of herself on the heart. Place in a box and have her wrap it up as a gift for baby Jesus.
Options: Add hands, and mouth in the box.
Sing Carol.
Story: Wise men go back home a different way.
Activity: On left side of a sheet of paper draw three men. In the middle draw a crown (Herod). On the right draw a house/home.
Draw a line from the wise men to the house, but go around Herod.
Sing Carol.
Hope to make pumpkin bread.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
December: Christmas Unit Study
- Teacher planning day. :-)
- Bible: Angle visits Mary (Little Golden Books. The Christmas Story)
- Bible activity: Cora acted out being Mary and I was the angle Gabriel.
- Carol: Learning Away in the Manger with hand motions (repeated daily)
- Symbol: Meaning of the Christmas tree (Science: What is an evergreen?)
- Writing: Copied today's date and the word Mary. Then drew a picture of today's story.
- Craft: Planned activity:Color and cut out a Christmas tree. Actual Activity: Made a Christmas count down, with tear away numbers.
- Christmas Countdown: Drew weather for the day on the calender and pulled off number on the Countdown board. (repeated daily)
- Advent: Verbally count number on the calender 1-25 (repeated daily)
- Bible: Angle came to Joseph in a dream
- Symbol: Read more about the history of the Christmas tree
- Writing: Copied today's date and the word Joseph. Then drew a picture of today's story.
- Craft: Planned: Cut out different shapes to sort, glue them as ornaments on the tree from yesterday's craft. What really happened: No craft.
- Advent
- Christmas Carol
- Story: The story of the Three Trees
- Bible: Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem
- Bible Activity: Acted out packing and taking a long trip to Bethlehem.
- Opt bible activity: Look up distance from Nazareth to Bethe lam on a map.
- Symbol: discussed the meaning of Christmas lights/ Tree decoration
- Craft: planned: color and cut out light shapes, glue on tree from first day. Actual: none
- Writing: copied Date and Bethlehem, then drew picture of today's story.
- Advent
- Christmas carol
- Bible: No room in the Inn, Jesus born in a stable
- Bible Activity: Went around knocking on "doors" asking for a place to stay, and finally going to the stable. Cora played the part of Mary holding baby Jesus, while Caleb and I pretended to be various barn yard animals. Then we switched places.
- Activity: Made and decorated Christmas cookies. Then delivered some to our neighbors.
- Advent
- Christmas Carol
Key bible Verse for this week:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish , but have eternal life."
Unit 20 - Review
The plan was to do the Unit 20's review after our Thanksgiving break.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Week 16
Bible Stories: Elijah and Elisha
Week 15
For the bible activity the second day we created a temple out of spaghetti noodles and mini marshmallows. It was so much fun. She did a great job. Then she ate the temple. :-)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Unit 12,13,14
We have been pretty busy.
So to catch up, I have loaded all the pics from the past few weeks to this Smilebox.
We have taken a two week fall break.
Last week the kids went to visit their Grandparents and this week we are just hanging out at home and enjoying the fall weather.
I'll try to do better at updating this blog when we start up again next week.
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Unit 12
Who knew?!
This week is letter "J" week.
So we have watched clips and learned about jellyfish and Mexican jumping beans;
enjoyed watching Sesame street letter J songs,
watched blue jays collecting material for a nest,
watched jack rabbits and jumping kittens,
and even watched a Bugs Bunny and the lumber jack cartoon.
Fun stuff!
But we also came across a great set of kid videos with the nice women and her puppet alligator as the host.
She made clips for every letter. In the clip they go over the letter sound and then investigate three foods that start with that letter. Cora really enjoyed them.
Check them out!
Unit 11

On the Count on Me page this week, we increased the number of items she drew from 2 to 3 and are starting to learn to count by 3's.
For our Bible stories this week we learned about:
"A fighter" (Gideon)
"A strong man" (Sampson)
"A kind woman, too," (Ruth)
"Nothings I-I-impossiable for God to do!"

So on day 2 we did day 1, on day 3 we did day 2...and so on. It was a little mixed up but we got it all finished.
We didn't do it, but it would have been a good idea. :-)
Instead, we used their pretend ice cream to cover the masking tape "i."
In some of the material for the letter "I," it is drawn without the top and bottom line. Then it looks like a lower case "L."
I am still not sure which way they are teaching the kids now, so we learned it both ways.

(Gideon's Army: The blue is the water, the hand is for the people who used their hands to drink, and the smile indicates that they are the ones that God choose to be in the army.)

After reading the Sampson story, we used some grocery items to learn about weight.
What items are heavier? What items are lighter?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Unit 10
It's good to get all the senses involved in the learning process.
After reading the story of the crossing of the River Jordan, we played a balance game. First, I had her count out 10 blocks, one for each commandment. Then, she place them into the "Ark." Finally, she held the ark and carried it across the dry path across the Jordan River.
(Note the sink of dishes and shoes on the floor. What can I say, school and fun comes before house cleaning!)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Unit 9
So, to avoid any unnecessary battles, and to keep school fun, we had a pretty light week.
I believe we did manage to cover most, if not all of the material (with a few minor adjustments), but maybe not as thoroughly as we have on other weeks.

One of the activities for this week was to finger paint the letter 'H,' but I was feeling lazy that day so instead we went to the pool. While there I gave her a bottle of water for her to use to "draw" the letter 'H'.
There's no reason we can't have pool school, right?!
Each week, we use masking tape to make a giant letter of the week on the floor.
Well, this week my tape was no where to be found. So, instead she used Lego type blocks to build a H instead.
She really did enjoy making her 1-10 counting book.
She had recently be given some little heart sticker by
It was a good activity.
What about my younger child you may ask?
Well, I am still in a habit that I am finding hard to break. We are still doing most if, not all of our work during his nap time. I know I need to involve him more, but takes so much more effort and is exhausting. That being said, he still amazes me with what he does pick up on from the lessons that he does hear. He knows that certain shapes are letters or numbers. He doesn't know what they are, he usually calls everything A or B, but he knows they are different than other shapes in his world.
Obviously, he's learning despite my lack of teaching. Way to go little man.
Looking back on last week, it doesn't seem like it was too bad, but it was more like sloshing through knee deep mud. We made it through, but it defiantly took more effort from both of us.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Unit 8 day 4-5
Today we finished up Unit 8. Letter G
I went on-line and found a few fun letter G related worksheets. My daughter really seems to enjoy them.
The bible activity for today was kinda fun. We read how God provided food for the Israelites. So, to act it out I placed "manna from heaven" around the living room while the Israelites slept. When they "woke up" she went around putting the "manna" in her basket. It was fun.
Then during prayer time tonight, she said her prayer then stopped and asked us if she could pray again because she forgot something. Then she prayed and thanked God for all the wonderful food that he gives her to eat. Too sweet.
Next week is our scheduled week off and we will be taking a trip to visit family. Should be nice to have a break.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Unit 8 Day 1-3
Unit 8 covers the Passover and Exodus from Egypt, letter G, and the number 8.
I have been looking over my blog photos and saw how many of the photos are taken at the kitchen table. That has me thinking that it's time for a little change. Maybe soon we'll try to mix it up by moving to a new location. Though, there is something to be said for a good routine and stability.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Unit 6 day 5 and Unit 7 days 1-2
We do this same "Count On Me" activity every week. She draws two items in each square and then she draws the numbers 1-10 under the squares. We have done this 6 times now, so I was a little shocked when she had such a hard time with the number '5'. Even after I drew her an example, it still took her 4-5 tries before it was close to correct.
For our bible story, we read the story of Moses' mother placing him in a basket and putting him the river to save him from Pharaoh. After we read the story, we used one of her baby dolls, a basket, a blanket,and a blue nap mat (as the Nile river) to act out what we learned. She hid her baby and then prayed for his protection before placing him in the Nile.
She really enjoyed this activity. Except when her little brother kept dumping baby moses out of the basket and jumping on our river. It can be pretty stressful to attempt to do these activities while my 1 year old is running around. For that reason we usually wait until his nap to do our crafts.
Today for our craft project, she cut strips of green paper and glued them to a blue paper to make the basket floating in the grass of the river.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Unit 6 day 3-4
On day 3, we used glue and sugar to make a picture of Joesph in the desert with the Egyptian Pyramids.
Then we also used some of her toys to act ouy the 10 brothers bowing down to Joseph.
Unit 6 Day 3
For our Bible Story today we read of how Joseph told his brother who he was and forgave them.
We then used a mirror to look closely at our faces and pointed out things that make us special. Just like the brothers had to look closely to see that it was indeed Joseph.
Next we read from our ABC, verses book and learned the verse for the letter E.
"Even a child is known by his deeds."
In our letter activity today we used puff balls to outline the letter 'E' and 'e'
Monday, July 13, 2009
Unit 6 Lesson 1
We kept our lesson confided to my youngest's nap time today, because this morning we visited a blueberry farm to pick fresh blueberries.
Flexibility...a continued blessing of road schooling.
Just like last week, we did not have the magazines to cut out 6 pillows, as per the instructions, so I had her draw 6 beds instead. The pillows/beds were to remind her that Pharaoh had a dream.
There is little emphasis on numbers in this curriculum. There is only one weekly activity which addresses the new number of the week. Though, once a week she does write all of her number from 1-10 an the Count On Me sheet.
I would like to see more use of numbers in the curriculum, but I know that there is so much time ahead for her to work on that.
So maybe it is better to be focused primarily on the letters now.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Unit 5 Lesson 4-5
Unit 5 lesson 4
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Unit 5 Day 2-3 (Little Hands to Heaven)
I was surprised that she found this task difficult and got frustrated at her attempts to do it on her own. After I helped her hold the coins down, it was much easier for her. I should have taped the coins down under the paper to make it easier for her to do on her own.
I liked the Hide and Seek Review page today. She had to look for all the letters we have learned thus far as well as match the lower case with the upper case. She missed finding a few of the letter, but was able to point them out with a little help.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Unit 5 Day 1
so, after a week of vacation bible school and a long weekend of camping in Hot Springs, we started back into our school lessons today.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Unit 3 and Unit 4
I also used this activity to explain camouflage and showed her a few examples of animals that use camouflage to hide themselves in the wild.
Today the math activity was a lesson on distance. Something being near or far away. She was to pretend to be Jacob who had to travel a long way to get to Rachel. So we marked her jumps from a starting line. Later we used the tape measure and looked at the numbers to determine the length of each of her jumps. I attempted to get my youngest to join in the jumping, but he wasn't interested. He just ran around the yard.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Unit 3 Lesson 3
Today we acted out the story of Abraham.
I dressed her up in my robe, scarf, and head band. We took out all her stuffed animals to be the sheep.
Later, while Caleb was taking a nap, we used a pop corn box, ribbon from a gift bag, and valentine's glitter to make a "picture" of the story.