and today we introduced
the number 5.
We were instructed to cut out 5 purses or wallets and glue them on the Number 5 page to remind her that the brothers sold Joseph, but instead we took the idea in the math activity and did color rubs of 5 coins. 
I was surprised that she found this task difficult and got frustrated at her attempts to do it on her own. After I helped her hold the coins down, it was much easier for her. I should have taped the coins down under the paper to make it easier for her to do on her own.
I liked the Hide and Seek Review page today. She had to look for all the letters we have learned thus far as well as match the lower case with the upper case. She missed finding a few of the letter, but was able to point them out with a little help.
For the math activity, we took our cup of pocket change and she sorted them. She has a nice little cash register, so we used that, but you could just use cups or a muffin pan as the book suggests.
We also took a few minutes to look at the the coins. The quarters were especially fun with all the different state pictures on the back. There are a lot of activities you could do with the state quarters, math, geography, history, art.... could be very useful one of these days.
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