Unit 10 Review Week : Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh
The bible stories for this week were: Rehab and the Spies, the crossing of the Jordan River and the fall of Jericho.
After completing our number 10 page we took all of the previous number pages from units 1-10 and made a 1-10 counting book.
It was also a nice review of the bible stories we have covered up to now.
Cora enjoyed creating the walls of Jericho out of crackers and peanut butter, but the best part was knocking it down and eating the rubble.
She also enjoyed marching around the city 7 times then using our outside voices, inside, to yell and make the walls fall down! :-)
I thought it was about time we did a craft project with no directions or rules, so we also made some time for free style finger painting.
We like using the spices to make the letters.
It's good to get all the senses involved in the learning process.
It's good to get all the senses involved in the learning process.
After reading the story of the crossing of the River Jordan, we played a balance game. First, I had her count out 10 blocks, one for each commandment. Then, she place them into the "Ark." Finally, she held the ark and carried it across the dry path across the Jordan River.
(Note the sink of dishes and shoes on the floor. What can I say, school and fun comes before house cleaning!)
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