Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week off

We have completed Unit 1 of our new curriculum. We plan to continue school through out the summer with a week off here or there.

Last week we had a death in the family, so we took a week off of school to help out.
I am looking forward to starting Unit two tomorrow. Here it is 9:00 on Sunday night and I have not even look at the material for tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to look at it tonight before going to bed. If not I'll have to do it in the morning before I wake up the kiddos.
Another reason I love the Heart of Dakota material......very little prep work is required. Nice for the busy mama.

After next week we will be taking yet another week off for VBS.
I just love that we can be so flexible with our schooling, but I am looking forward getting into a "normal" schedule.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kindengarten Unit 1 Day 1

Started new kindergarten program today.
I do love Heart of Dakota.

While looking over everything last night, I was a little overwhelmed with the amount of things we were going to cover in one day. In Hands to Heaven, the material was for 30 minutes. This time around there is material for 90 minutes. It really seemed like a lot. But my sweet husband reminded me that we can't do preschool forever. "Hi I'm 10 and I know my ABCs..."
Yeah, that just isn't going to cut it.

It is now 3:00pm and we have completed all tasks except our Children's devotion, and we'll do that tonight before bed. So we did it with out a problem.
Today was even dance class day (9-1) plus I spent two hours at the gym.I am feeling very accomplished today.

Home schooling different ages....
My son is two, so I will be using parts of the Little Hands to Heaven while I cover Little Heart for his Glory with my 5 year old. My son, participated in all of the activities today except for the written/workbook portions which my oldest child completed during his nap.

The material from the two books seem to go easily together with very little effort.

I am looking forward to this "school year." Soon my little Cora will be reading and my little man will know his ABCs.I purchased a sketch book for Cora to use to journal about the things she learns and does each day. I did not get one for my son, but now I wish I had. nEven though now, all he does is eat and break the crayons, I'm sure that soon enough he'll be able to control himself a little more. Guess I'll be making another trip to the store.

Unit One Day One, complete.
A good day, and a nice start.