This would be a great week to get in some good school time....
but instead we are taking the week off to enjoy some of the many activities Austin has to offer.
Plus, we are getting close to the end of Little Hands to Heaven material and I have yet to place an order for the next book. Yikes. I really need to get on that.
Never thought teachers would be the ones with the boredom issues.
I believe this may be due to the "off weeks." I get out of our groove and don't want to get back into it. Maybe when I "plan" out our next book from Heart of Dakota, I will schedule it differently.
Not so many little breaks? We'll see.
I think Mama just needs to put on her big girl pants and get back to work.
Less time with Facebook and blogging and more time planning out our day.
I am very glad to have started this home school adventure with my young children.
Preschool, is, well it's preschool.
It has been a nice look into my teaching style/weaknesses and into Cora's learning style.
I am looking forward to beginning our next book, perhaps too much, since we haven't even finished this one yet (we are on letter X). I am curious to see if I will reuse Little Hands to Heaven with my youngest, or just use the second book with both of the kids. Guess we'll see after I actually order and receive the material.
All in all still enjoying our home school time together. We are finding ways to add learning into our daily life and spend less time "doing school."
Fun stuff.