This week we learned the letter "I".
On the Count on Me page this week, we increased the number of items she drew from 2 to 3 and are starting to learn to count by 3's.
For our Bible stories this week we learned about:
"A fighter" (Gideon)
"A strong man" (Sampson)
"A kind woman, too," (Ruth)
"Nothings I-I-impossiable for God to do!"

I made a mistake the first on the first day and somehow turned to the wrong page and did the activities for Day 4. Oops
So on day 2 we did day 1, on day 3 we did day 2...and so on. It was a little mixed up but we got it all finished.

Since this week was the letter "I" week, it would have been a great week to make home made ice cream.
We didn't do it, but it would have been a good idea. :-)
Instead, we used their pretend ice cream to cover the masking tape "i."

These are also great for teaching colors, Spanish colors, or counting scoops. I pretend to be the customer and they make the ice cream that I ordered. Fun.
In some of the material for the letter "I," it is drawn without the top and bottom line. Then it looks like a lower case "L."
I am still not sure which way they are teaching the kids now, so we learned it both ways.

For one of the activities, I gave her a sheet of white paper and she followed my verbal instructions to draw a picture of our bible story that day. It was a good activity to reinforce the story and to develop listening skills.
(Gideon's Army: The blue is the water, the hand is for the people who used their hands to drink, and the smile indicates that they are the ones that God choose to be in the army.)

After reading the Sampson story, we used some grocery items to learn about weight.
What items are heavier? What items are lighter?